University of Oulu









The University of Oulu (UOULU), founded in 1958, is a non-profit, higher education providing organization funded largely by the Finnish government with 16 000 students and 3000 staff members. The UOULU has experience in participating in European and international projects (including NIH funded projects) and networks, and is well equipped to manage also large-scale projects with multiple international partners.

The research group of the Arctic health (AH, former: Centre for Arctic Medicine) focuses on studying the health and well-being of people in the circumpolar area. The main research is at the field of the climate change and human health, including food and water security; environmental health; discrimination and marginalization; and Indigenous health and well-being. The main projects include EU-funded ArcRisk: Arctic Health Risks – Impacts on health in the Arctic and Europe owing to climate-induced changes in contaminant cycling (EU7PW, coordinated by AMAP) and Food and health security in Norwegian, Russian and Finnish border regions (funded by EU- Kolarctic-ENPI), Environmental health and biomarkers, Circumpolar dimension of population aging, Structural racism and its impact on Indigenous Health. Starting project is focused on Human – Environmental relationships in rural and urban regions in the Arctic. The AH is very well networked with several universities and research institutes in the Arctic, and it actively participates in the work of the Arctic Council (like Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme, AMAP and Sustainable Development Working Group, SDWG), International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) and Arctic Human Development Report II and Arctic Youth and Sustainable Futures. It is leading the thematic network of the Health and well-being in the Arctic (under the University of the Arctic), and international Master’s and PhD programs on Health and well-being in the Arctic. In the thematic network there are more than 20 partners from the different Arctic countries. The AH is now under the Faculty of Medicine and collaborating closely with Thule Institute in the UOULU.


Main tasks in the project

UOULU will lead the WP5 Health and Pollution.


UOULU staff involved in the project


 Lead of WP5
Prof. Arja Rautio
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P.O.Box 7300
90014 University of Oulu
Room number: IT233
+358 294 483569



arja rautio

Toxicologist in WP5
Dr.Khaled Abass
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+358 45 1106720




Postdoctoral researcher in WP5
Dr. Ulla Timlin
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Ulla Timlin