Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

takuvik rgbCNRSlienss






Unité Mixte International Takuvik (CNRS) was founded by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in January 2011 through a partnership between the CNRS (France) and University Laval (Canada) as a joint laboratory studying the Arctic ecosystems. Takuvik's scientific program is designed to study the impact of ongoing climatic and anthropogenic changes on Arctic marine and terrestrial ecosystems and geosystems. The Canada Excellence Research Chair in remote sensing of Canada's new Arctic frontier, is one of the keystones of the program. Takuvik leads world-class Arctic research and has published more than 400 peer-review publications over last six years.

Takuvik (CNRS) has strong expertise on satellite remote sensing of the Arctic Ocean. In addition, this laboratory has recently led large oceanographic campaigns on related topics in that region (i.e., Malina project, PI: M. Babin). The participation of the Takuvik is thus critical to accomplish the present project in terms of in situ and satellite observations in nearshore environment (i.e., WP5).

The LIENSs (Littoral Environnement Sociétés) is a Joint Research Unit (UMR 7252) between the CNRS and the University of La Rochelle. The LIENSs gathers approximately 160 people (82 teachers-researchers and researchers, 25 PhD students). It integrates scientific fields including environmental science (biology, ecology, geophysics), chemistry, biotechnology and humanities (geography, history) to address challenges related to sustainable development of coastal ecosystems. The LIENSs is divided into 6 departments of research: AGÎLE (Approche géographique: iles, littoraux, environnement), AMARE (Réponses des animaux marins à la variabilité environnementale), AMES (Approches moléculaires, environnement-santé), BIOFEEL (Biodiversité et fonctionnement des écosystèmes littoraux), DPL (Dynamique physique du Littoral), and ESTRAN (Espaces, sociétés, territoires des rivages anciens et nouveaux).

Main tasks in the project

Takuvik (CNRS) will lead in situ and satellite remote sensing observations in coastal waters (WP4). In situ observation will be coordinated with WP3. Along with satellite data, all data will be integrated into WP8 to assess the impact of permafrost thaw on climate change, whose outputs will be further used in WPs 7, 9. The LIENSs will be in charge of Task 4.3 (numerical modeling) within WP4.


CNRS staff involved in Nunataryuk


Lead of WP4
Dr. Marcel Babin
Canada Excellence Research ChairRemote Sensing of Canada
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Phone : 418-656-2205
Fax : 418-656-2339


m babin

Researcher in WP4
Dr. Atsushi Matsuoka
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Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space (EOS)
University of New Hampshire (UNH, USA)


a matsuoka

Researcher in WP4
Dr. Martine Lizotte
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Phone : 418-656-2131 #408831
Fax : 418-656-2339




Researcher in WP4
Le Fouest, Vincent
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LIttoral ENvironnement et Sociétés (LIENSs)
Université de La Rochelle
Bâtiment ILE
2, rue Olympe de Gouges
17000 La Rochelle