The conference is designed to take the next crucial steps in the UN climate change process. Following the agreement on the implementation guidelines of the Paris Agreement at COP 24 in Poland last year, a key objective is to complete several matters with respect to the full operationalization of the Paris Climate Change Agreement.
At COP25, there is also a dedicated Pavilion on Cryosphere. The COP25 Cryosphere Pavilion is co-organized by Bolin Centre at the Stockholm University, our partner institute and lead of our WP1, and is the first of its kind at a UNFCCC COP. The Pavilion will host a series of permanent exhibits, expert conferences and ministerial events.
Every day at the Pavilion will have a different theme and today, 5 December, marks the Permafrost Day!
There will be a live stream on their Facebook site every day, so make sure you tune in!
The complete schedule of the Cryopsphere Pavilion is below:
- 3 December: Mountain glaciers and snow
- 4 December: Ice sheets
- 5 December: Permafrost
- 7 December: National actions and policy response
- 9 December: Polar oceans
- 10 December: Ice sheets
- 11 December: Mountain glaciers and snow
- 12 December: National actions and policy response.